Channel: Learning, and Its Environs
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Taking Time to Reflect on Learning in MITx

Last week, I decided to return to practice problems in week 1 and complete some of the problems that I did not have time to finish. (Each week I do as many practice problems as I can until working on the homework is all I have time for.) I was happy to see that I could answer these problems (which were about node analysis and voltage divider circuits, two relatively basic concepts) without too much difficulty. I am learning, I thought to myself. I need to spend this time going over what I have learned and making the abilities my own, so to speak. In MITx I am always pushing ahead as diligently as I can and not spending time reflecting on my learning.

The designers have been changing small things in the course. It's interesting to see the changes, such as making the current text in the transcript bold when it is spoken in the video. The word "SPEED" now appears next to the buttons for changing the speed of the videos. Other students make suggestions for changing the interface or adding an interface for mobile users. Not me--I'm usually coming from behind…

Which reminds me: three cheers for Wolfram Alpha! When I needed to compute derivatives for the incremental analysis, I only need to type the equation into the computational engine. (My calculator is not good enough for this.) Students were suggesting a variety of tools--such as a math program you can download from Microsoft.

Still, you know you're in deeper waters when you can't solve the problem on your calculator that was sufficient for any other class you've taken. I'm uneasy that I'm avoiding brushing up my calculus--who am I kidding?--whole new coats of math are needed here! I was able to get a decent grade on the homework, but left the last problem untouched because I could only get through half of the lectures for the topic. I am starting to feel the effects of not having the prereqs. I wonder if MITx will have to enforce a certain prior level of knowledge before letting people take a course. Surely I'm not the only one with these problems...but for the moment this may not be a main concern.

The first exam was announced: it will be in the last week of April, and we have 24 hours to complete it once we begin. I've already marked the calendar and told my wife--who, by the way, did a bunch of my chores to give me time to complete MITx work.

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